Leech Redesign.

                                                                     OLD  Leech


                                                                            New  Leech


 Well Introducing the Leech Redesign.

             As you can see the old design was more basic and more or less just a floating head that chase you around. The reason he was so simple is cause I was scared to tackle animation, like for some reason the word "3D animation"  just struck fear in my hearth but  yet I was not satisfied with the leech cause he looked so fucking basic (i.e  he looked like Cut content)  and  now at least am making animations ;) and I'll admit it's not that hard when you wrap your head around it, it can be time consuming and my animations are still questionable,  but that's just a small price to pay.

          And let me just give  Unities Animation System the praise it deserves, like it ain't perfect but for a beginner like me it sure dose do a good job. What I still don't understand very well are Animation Layers and Blend Trees but I'll leave those ones for a later date cause I want to give myself brain damage.

As for the 3d models, they were all made by my brother and I'll say for a novice like him, they are quite OK, at least for the style of the game we are going for. He is currently trying to understand texturing (UV unwrapping is hell).

                                             Anyway that's all for now, 

                 as for me, I think the current roster of enemies is enough for a demo and I be focusing on improving the code, level design, voices and more. As for my bro he will be making most of the effects and redesigning the "Tri-Cannon" and making most assets.

                                      Bye, Have a nice Day

[  Fun Fact: For a long time we were misspelling "Leech" as "Leach" and now a lot of assets are misspelled and look horrendous" ]

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